Christian Song Anniversary: “Find Us Faithful” — 1988

Some Christian songs are birthed from a sense of joy. Others find life following failure and redemption. The song, Find Us Faithful, sung by Steve Green, is in the latter category.


The lyrics to Find Us Faithful seem a perfect fit for Green, whose missionary parents raised him in Argentina. His wholesome looks and tenor voice have endeared him to millions. But the real draw when he sings is the power of the songs themselves. Find Us Faithful is a lasting example.

Green served as an original member of the Gaither Vocal Band when it began in 1981. It’s there that he met the singer/songwriter who would later write the song, Find Us Faithful. After his stint with the Vocal Band, Green became lead singer for the group, White Heart. He appears only on their debut album, exiting after feeling out of place in a Christian rock band.

He released his own debut album in 1984. The last song on the self-titled album is People Need the Lord. It remains his strongest message. The following year, he received a Dove Award as Male Vocalist of the Year. Find Us Faithful appears on his sixth solo album.


John Mohr joined the Gaither Vocal Band in 1982. While Green sang tenor, Mohr sang bass. The talented bass singer had also been a voice-over artist since his teen years and he wrote songs. He penned the title songs for the Gaither Vocal Band’s next two albums: Passin’ The Faith Along (1983) and New Point of View (1984).

In the next few years, his songs were recorded by Sandi Patty, Point of Grace, and Jesus Culture among others. Amid his successes, thoughts of failure filled his mind. He’d been unfaithful to God. And to his family. He addressed his shortcomings and felt forgiven. He wanted to leave a better legacy than he had so far. From his innermost feelings, God birthed a new song.

When Green saw Mohr’s words to Find Us Faithful they lodged in his spirit. After leaving White Heart, he recommitted himself to serving God more faithfully. He dedicated the album, Find Us Faithful, to the most faithful people he knew, his parents.


The chorus of Find Us Faithful says, “Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful, May the fire of our devotion Light their way, May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe, And the lives we live inspire them to obey. Oh, may all who come behind us Find us faithful.”

The scripture behind the song is Hebrew 12:1. “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (NKJV).

The song’s main focus is found in its second verse, which includes lyrics in response to Hebrews 12:1 – “Let us run the race Not only for the prize, But as those who’ve gone before us. Let us leave to those behind us, The heritage of faithfulness Passed on thru godly lives.”

Since 1988

Other projects through the years that define Green’s ministry include hymn collections, albums for children, and Spanish albums. His peers continued acknowledging his ministry through song with six additional Dove Awards.

Mohr continued writing songs that Green recorded. Mohr’s prolific songwriting continues, but his most popular song remains his most personal — Find Us Faithful.

The Road Ahead:

  1. To desire to leave a strong legacy can be in our hearts more than in our day-to-day words and actions. Is there an area in your life right now that you need to improve while you can? God wants to help you. The faithfulness you leave in the hearts of the next and future generations is of urgent importance to God. Like Jon Mohr and Steve Green, make a decision today that will improve the future.
  2. Start having conversations with your spouse, your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, or close friends about how we leave a legacy of faithfulness. Share stories from Christian history or the lives of Christians you know are good examples to follow.

Further Fuel: I Corinthians 4:2; Proverbs 13:22a; Matthew 25:21.

Listen to Steve Green sing Find Us Faithful.

Read about other songs I’ve highlighted from the 1980s: