The 4 Best Miles of 2020

It wasn’t an easy year. The journey was stressful. How often did we ask, “Are we there yet?”?

Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on

But God was faithful. The most frequently read Mile Marker posts reflected our greatest needs of 2020. Here are the 4 posts that mattered most to readers.

  1. Jesus: The Lord of Emotional Peace. It was an emotional year. We needed the internal calm that only God provides. I mention three things that hinder Christians from sensing God’s peace. I also include four helpful quotes from Christian leaders who understand living in His peace.
  2. Christian Song Anniversary: “Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful”—1980. Keith Green knew how to seek God. Christians often return to his music in times of need. This song of prayer is a perfect response when we need to draw closer to God.
  3. Joseph’s Winter Season. In a year that seemed like one long winter season, the struggles of God’s servant, Joseph, was a reminder that we could survive. I include helpful truths about enduring life’s winter seasons until we see spring.
  4. The Year I Woke Up. This one’s my personal story. I describe the world I lived in the year I awakened spiritually. It’s me before I started following Jesus. It’s my salvation experience, which gives me hope for each mile of life’s journey.

Thank you for your faithfulness to the Mile Markers blog in 2020. Let’s continue traveling together in this new year.