The Year I Woke Up

alarm clock

The year I turned twelve, my family moved into a two-story house with a nice yard. Our landlord kept horses in a grove on one side. A tavern with neon lights that flashed at night stood on the other side.

Those lights blinked through my second story bedroom window. They hampered me from falling asleep the first night. I soon slept more easily. That year I turned twelve, I woke up in some very important ways.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Awakened to Strong Friendships                                                                                       

Attending a new school meant new friendships. They became my first long-term friends.

Mitch and I agreed on favorite Saturday morning cartoons: The Wacky Races and Johnny Quest. Mitch taught me the board game Stratego. Mitch’s parents let us pitch their small tent in their back yard. His slightly older brother and a neighbor our age would join Mitch and me to sometimes “camp out” in that tent on Friday nights. Shortly before dark we’d enter the tent with plenty of junk food. We’d snack, tell stories, and share jokes. We’d stay awake as late as we could, falling asleep to the sound of crickets and an occasional barking dog.

A friend named David interested me in collecting comic books. David (the only child at his house) received a larger allowance than I did (as one of  half a dozen siblings). During any month David collected as many as eight Marvel Comics titles. That year that I turned twelve, comic books cost twelve cents apiece.

Awakened to World Events                                                                                                             

While trying to ignore the flashing lights that first night in the new house, I was oblivious to major events happening in the world around us. I didn’t watch TV news. I didn’t know America was fighting a war in Southeast Asia. I didn’t see or hear the battlefront reports nor the home front protests.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  But that Spring and Summer I couldn’t disregard the deaths of Martin Luther King Jr, and Senator Robert Kennedy. Not when those news reports interrupted some shows I did watch. Their assassinations roused my thoughts. My stark realization: comic book villains like Dr. Doom and TV bad guys like Wo Fat on Hawaii Five-O might not be real, but they represented an actual evil presence in the world.

Awakened to Spiritual Need                                                                                                           

The main change in my life—-my fullest awakening—-came after an invitation from my friend, David.

Something had happened to David that summer. He returned from church camp excited about Jesus. He talked about reading the Bible and about selling his comic book collection. I was glad for his experience, but why sell all his comics? A big reason was their extreme violence (during a year of extreme violence).

After hearing David talk less about super heroes and more about a super God, I agree to attend church with him.

His family picked me up a few Sunday mornings. Before the summer ended, I joined them for a Sunday evening service. By the conclusion of the sermon, I felt strange inside. I sensed guilt for all the wrong things I’d ever done. I felt sorry for my sins, which I understood Jesus died for on the cross. When the preacher called any who needed God’s forgiveness to walk to the front of the church and kneel at the altar, I did. I repented and asked Jesus to lead my life.

Awakened to New Life

David’s parents drove me home that night in the dark. I stepped out of their car and walked to my family’s lighted porch. I stepped onto the porch spiritually awakened, ready to follow Jesus, the Light of the World (John 8:12).

I eventually read in the Bible about Jesus when He too was twelve. The story concluded with, “And Jesus increased in wisdom (mentally) and in stature (physically), and in favor with God (spiritually) and men (socially)” (Luke 2:52, NKJV). I had a lot of growing to do in those areas, but the year I turned twelve, I was on my way.

The Road Ahead: 

  1. Which year of your life did you awaken spiritually? Who or what did God use to bring it about? If you haven’t already, think through the details that you can share in either written or spoken form with others.
  2. Whatever age you are, think of the ways you’ve improved mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially this year. Thank God for how He’s helped you in each of those areas.

Further Fuel: I Chronicles 16:8; Psalm 107:2; I Peter 3:15.

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