Rest Stop: Reviewing Our Second 20 Miles Together

20 (III)Our first 20 miles (posts) were detailed with a link for each here.

Here’s what you need to know about our second 20 miles together. They range from April 2016- January 2017. They’re listed in the order of which post received the most views from then to now. Each one that also has an audio version on the page says this after the date: (A). I hope you’ll take the time to read (or listen to) each one that you haven’t already. Feel to pass any of the links along to a friend.

Christian Song Anniversary: “Shout to the Lord” (1996) (October 10, 2016)  It was the first of three Christian song anniversary posts from last October. It reveals the circumstances that led Darlene Zschech to write the popular Hillsong chorus and the song’s impact on Christianity.

They Died for Us (May 30, 2016) (A) A Memorial Day post.  The importance of Arlington National Cemetery. Why Iowans remember Merle Hay. How we honor Jesus’s death for us.

Whatever God Cleans is Clean (July 18, 2016) What do the 2010 BP oil spill, Lady MacBeth, and three major names from the Bible have in common? The extreme need to be clean from the filth that clung to them. Includes three important verses that illustrate the power of God’s forgiveness.

Christian Song Anniversary: “Because He Lives” (1971) (October 31, 2016) Read about the struggles and conclusions that led Bill and Gloria Gaither to write “Because He Lives.” Plus, the high points and accolades of their careers since 1971. Includes a summation of  their influence from a representative of ASCAP.

Sunday, Not Just Another Day (July 11, 2016)  Sunday has value beyond what most Americans think. Read the full reason why Fareway grocery stores close on Sunday. Plus,   quotes from Aesop and Gordan MacDonald.

Christmas, Imagination, and Faith (December 19, 2016) A Christmas season post. A child’s imagination believes in Santa, but it takes faith to believe in Jesus. Imagination can open the door to faith through the stories A Charlie Brown Christmas, How The Grinch Stole Christmas and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Concludes with a quote from G. K. Chesterton.

God Deserves My Best Each Day (January 30, 2017) Suggestions for setting and keeping personal Christian disciplines throughout the year. Includes summations of the ministries of missionaries James Hudson Taylor and Gladys Alward with a quote from each.

In God We Trust (July 4, 2016) Describes the origin of the four-word phrase on our coins and its history, especially the eras of the American Civil War, the 1950s, and the current millennium.

Unpredictable God, Please Surprise Me (June 13, 2016) (A) Life is full of the unexpected. I open with a personal example, then follow it with nearly a dozen stories from the Bible.

“God with Us” When We Travel (July 25, 2016) (A) An estimated 37,000 people die on America’s highways each year. By God’s grace, you have not become a statistic. I relate personal stories of God’s protection from three different phases in my life.

How David Pursued God’s Heart (April 25, 2016) A look at four internal qualities in David’s life that drew him close to God. Concludes with a quote from former Senate Chaplain, Peter Marshall.

Run For the Gold (August 8, 2016) (A) The Bible specifically describes Christianity as a race. The combination of stories from Olympic track events and scriptures about running the spiritual race doesn’t reach the finish line without a fun quote by Charles Spurgeon.

Don’t Take the Worry Detour (August 22, 2016) (A)  Lessons we should learn from Israel’s ten spies who returned from the Promised Land and stirred up the rest of Israel. Some New Testament verses help put worry into perspective. Includes a quote by Dr. Charles Mayo.

Sermons and TV Commercials: Communication Cousins (January 16, 2017) A Snickers candy bar TV ad campaign introduces how sermons and television ads are alike. I share a couple of ways sermons should not imitate TV ads and four elements that make a sermon great. Includes quotes from Chuck Swindoll and G. Campbell Morgan.

Gaining the Most Humility (June 20, 2016) (A) The ways we recognize non-humility and what’s apparent when we see the real thing.  Includes quotes by G.K. Chesterton and Ted Engstrom.

Questions We Ask God: “Where?” (May 2, 2016)  Dr. Kent Brantly of Samaritan’s Purse contracted Ebola in 2010 after taking his family to Monrovia. Could he have misunderstood God’s guidance? Various Biblical examples of God directing His followers. Includes a quote by John Ortberg.

Final Destination: More Than This Life (May 9, 2016) A look at how this world makes promises it doesn’t deliver. The difference is drawn between Paul’s traveling companion Demas and Reepicheep of C.S. Lewis’ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

This New Year: Pray Unceasingly (January 2, 2017) (A) This repost offers four prayer-habit suggestions with quotes from John Piper and Oswald Chambers.

Sing Praises to God (May 23, 2016) (A) I offer ways that our non-Christian culture taps into the world of Christian music. Includes the illustration of Chirpy, the canary.

Christian Song Anniversary: “Forever” (2001) (October 17, 2016) The year 2001 was a perfect time for a song like “Forever.” Includes scriptures that support the song’s lyrics and the high points of Chris Tomlin’s career.




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