Sing Praises to God

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In a world that can fill your head with noise, you need a song. When life’s unexpected events rattle in your heart and rumble in your spirit, you need a song. But not just any song. You need to sing praises to God.

We hear praise and worship songs today in a lot of places. They can serve as a nudge from God to keep praising Him, even in our greatest times of need.

worship chiorCompeting Voices on TV Sing Praises to God

The night of April 9, 2008, gave Christian viewers of American Idol (2002-2016) a wonderful surprise. At the close of that season 7 fundraiser episode referred to as Idol Gives Back the eight remaining contestants sang, “Shout to the Lord.”

It has since become evident that some who earn a spot on singing competition shows developed their abilities in the church. A few have been worship leaders. Most who compete don’t profess Christian faith, but the ones who do bring songs of praise to God to national television.

On the voice competition program, The Voice (2011-present), individual contestants have sung hymns. America has heard “Amazing Grace,” “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” “How Great Thou Art,” and “The Old Rugged Cross.” More recent Christian songs have included, “Break Every Chain,” “Mary, Did You Know?” and “Oceans.”

Through these highly-watched programs, millions of TV viewers get to hear worship songs. Christians watching and listening are reminded to keep exalting the One worthy of all praise (Revelation 4:11; 5:12 ).

Chowing Down and Shopping to Praises to God

I’ve heard worship music playing in the background while eating fast food. It’s happened at McDonald’s, Burger King, Chik-Fil-A, and Subway. Playing Christian music was a choice the individual managers had made. Each time I hear Christian singers worship while I eat I’m reminded that God deserves my praise.

I’ve also heard worship music while walking the aisles of Hobby Lobby. I’ve found Christian CDs, for sale not only at Christian bookstores, but at Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Sam Goody, and Best Buy.

We know our personal praises to God should keep ringing out. But what if you’re walking through a valley right now where it’s difficult to even whisper a song of praise to God?

Chirpy Regained His Voice to Sing Praises to God

Chirpy was a happy canary. He sat in his cage day after day, singing away. One day, his owner let him out for awhile. When she put him back in, she didn’t fasten his cage door.

Later, while vacuuming, Chirpy’s owner heard a strange sound. Something thick had entered the house. She immediately shut off the machine. Sure enough, when she emptied the bag, she found a dazed, dirt covered, little bird.

She washed Chirpy off and set him back in his cage. He didn’t venture out much after that. Nor did he sing for a few days. But eventually, Chirpy regained his voice, singing as joyfully as before, safely within the confines of his cage.

The Road Ahead

There are times in life when you may feel like Chirpy. You go through an experience that sucks you into a vortex of disorder. You don’t feel like praising God. When you just can’t find that voice, what then?

  • Keep listening to songs of worship.
  • Dwell on all you know about God.
  • Observe His handiwork.
  • Let the small, almost inaudible voice somewhere inside you grow until you can’t hold it in. Then sing your praises aloud to God.

Further Fuel: Psalm 9:2Psalm 149:1; Philippians 4:8.



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