4 Actors Who Traded Fame for Faith

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Holly wood sign by Sorn.

When Jesus said to “count the cost,” the disciple Matthew knew what He meant. Jesus had told Matthew, “follow Me.” The Jewish tax collector left a lucrative job, knowing the cost would be worth it. He later recorded Jesus’ parable of a man selling all he had in exchange for a pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44).

Like Matthew, the following actors have sacrificed enviable careers to cling to the Christian faith. Each, once well-liked in Hollywood, no longer get the calls they use to.

Former TV stars

Angus T. Jones and Kirk Cameron were young actors in TV sitcoms.

Angus Jones was the”half” man in TVs Two and a Half Men. He was ten when the show began in 2003. His role in the highly-rated comedy lasted for 10 of its 12 seasons. Kirk Cameron’s TV stardom began when Growing Pains premiered in 1985. During its seven seasons, Kirk turned in performances that won him popularity and awards.

Stephen Baldwin and Kevin Sorbo made their marks in action dramas.

In 1989, Stephen Baldwin, the youngest of a family of actors, rode into TV front rooms as one of The Young Riders. He played William F. (Buffalo Bill) Cody during his days as part of the pony express. The show lasted until 1992. Kevin Sorbo flexed his muscles as Hercules in a series of TV movies before taking the lead role in the campy Greek myth based, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (995-1999).

But things changed for each of the four actors.

Signing Contracts with God

In November of 2012, Angus T. Jones released a YouTube video denouncing the TV show that had made him the highest paid child actor on television. On the video, he told how God had drawn him to a Seventh Day Adventist church where he had a conversion experience. Angus pled with his fans, “If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching … Please stop filling your head with filth.”

Angus had to work out the details of his contract, but he was willing to stay true to his faith. Angus has stopped acting.

Kirk Cameron believed in the material wealth success brought him, but he didn’t believe in God. But hearing the gospel message for the first time led him to believe God existed. Kirk became a Christian. But his new-found faith clashed with some things he was expected to say and do on Growing Pains. He chose to honor God.

After the series ended, Hollywood welcomed Kirk’s former co-star, Leonardo DiCaprio, but not him. Kirk adhered to Christian film projects like Left Behind (2000), Fireproof  (2008), and “Saving Christmas (2014). In 2002, he started the ministry, “The Way of the Master” with evangelist Ray Comfort.

Fame for Stephen Baldwin came from appearing in movies like Born on the Fourth of July and The Usual Suspects. The terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001 led Stephen to a personal faith. He says, “In my position, I just don’t think I’m supposed to keep my faith to myself.”

Since his conversion, Stephen has been offered light-weight Hollywood projects. But his faith continues driving him. He’s appeared in the Christian films I’m In Love with a Church Girl (2013) and Faith of Our Fathers (2015).

Playing Hercules brought Kevin Sorbo international fame. Since that show’s cancellation, Kevin’s resume has included mostly sci-fi and fantasy characters in movies and video games. Kevin is an outspoken Christian. He believes that expressing his views has put him out of step with Hollywood, costing him more substantial parts in movies.

However, Kevin’s faith has led to roles in the Christian films, Soul Surfer (2011) and God’s Not Dead (2014).

Of course, Christianity is not about popularity. It’s about pleasing God. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, singer and songwriter Bob Dylan proclaimed faith in Jesus. For three albums he sang bold lyrics to songs with an uncompromising message. Here are a few lines from his song “I Believe in You,” (about counting the cost of following Jesus).

Verse one ends with, “And they, they look at me and frown/They’d like to drive me from this town/They don’t want me around/’Cause I believe in you.”

The next to last verse says, “I believe in you when wintertime turns to summer/I believe in you when white turn to black/I believe in you even though I be outnumbered/Oh, though the earth may shake me/Oh, though my friends forsake me/Oh, even that couldn’t make me go back.”

The Road Ahead: 

  1. Hold your Christian faith tighter than anything else. Matthew recorded Jesus’ words, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37, NKJV). We’re to love God more than any friendship, personal interest, or job that calls us to compromise our faith. If anything or anyone is playing a spiritual tug-of-war with you, seek God’s help to stand strong.
  2. Pray for Christians in the limelight. Some are actors and singers, some are sports figures, some are politicians. Pray that they’ll remain true to the Christian faith, no matter the cost.

Further Fuel: Matthew 6:19-20; Luke 14:27-28.

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